
Scrap Tire & Rubber Supplies

Revive Materials processes tires of all types and sizes! We encourage tire source opportunities that other disposal options shy away from including: agriculture, construction, support equipment, utility vehicle, and specialty tires…and there is more!

Revive Materials' primary benefit to feedstock providers is lower disposal cost solutions while assuring that our valued supplier’s scrap rubber materials will never see the light of a landfill.

Become a Feedstock Supplier

Start your beneficial carbon emissions program by contacting Revive Materials with your scrap tire disposal needs. It not only saves you money, but it saves the environment from being used as unwanted tire form products that still may end up in a landfill. Whether your tires are from a go-cart, passenger car, construction or agriculture vehicle, aircraft or a racing vehicle Revive Materials encourages you to begin a smart disposal decision by contacting Revive Materials.

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